Sang = Mulberry
Zhi = Branches
I remember that Sang = Mulberry because of the song "Here we go around the Mulberry Bush." You know, you sang it when you were a kid.
Sang Zhi goes to the liver and is bitter, just like Luo Shi Teng. This is our first NEUTRAL herb in this group.
Zhi is the branches; branches that are like tree arms. Sang Zhi goes to the upper limbs, dispelling wind, and unblocking the channels, helping the joints.

It is also used for edema. It promotes urination.

It looks just like you would expect a cut up branch to look. It has a little white dot in the center, too, to help distinguish it from some of the others (like Fang Ji which looks like a little wagon wheel and Ku Shen which comes in all shapes and sizes).
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