Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nourish Heart Calm Spirit: Yuan Zhi

yuan zhi

元志 radix polygalae tenuifoliae

"profound will"

According to the book "Prescription for Herbal Healing" by Phyllis Balch, Yuan Zhi is one of the most effective medicines for hangovers. Bensky, however, doesn't mention this most useful tidbit. He must not be a drinker.

Yuan Zhi goes to the Heart and Lungs. Its nature is bitter (drains), acrid (disperses), and slightly warm. The spicy bitterness of Yuan Zhi disperses and unblocks phlegm and clears the orifices. Which is probably why it's useful for hangover. The clearing phlegm function is also what sets this herb apart from the others in this category.

It works strongly in re-establishing communication between the heart and kidney, and therefore it would be nice if Yuan Zhi were said to also go to the kidneys, but alas, sometimes things are not that simple.

The medicine Yuan Zhi comes from is a low growing perennial with "lance-shaped leaves that have toothed edges" and it produces pretty lavender flowers. Yuan Zhi is the root of this plant.

Specific Functions:

1. Calm Spirit / Quiet Heart:
* insomnia
* palpitations
* anxiety, restlessness, disorientation
* excessive brooding; constrained, pent-up emotions
* emotions related to a lack of communication between the heart and kidneys

2. Expel Phlegm / Clear Orifices / Stop Cough (due to Liver constraint)
* phlegm enveloping heart orifice (emotional and mental disorientation / spasms / seizures)
* phlegm in lungs w/ copious sputum (difficult to expectorate)
* angina

3. Abscesses and Swelling (topically, with rice wine)
* boils
* abscesses
* sores
* swollen, painful breasts

Yuan Zhi is warm and drying - not for yin deficient heat, peptic ulcers, gastritis.

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