Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Extinguish Wind Stop Tremors: Mu Li (oyster shell)

mu li (oyster shell)

牡蛎 concha ostreae

mu = male
li = oyster


Salty, Astringent

Liver and KIDNEY

9 - 30 grams (cook first when used in decoctions)

CI: High fever due to excess with no sweating

"Cool and heavy mu li enters the liver and kidney channels to cool heat, augment the yin, subdue the yang, and suppress fright." Mu Li has a wide scope of action. Bensky categorizes it in the "Substances that Calm the Spirit" section; in class, we have it in the Extinguish Wind / Stop Tremors category. Bensky summarizes its functions this way:

"Patterns of deficiency leading to leakage and loss; masses or nodules due to constrained heat and phlegm; and yin deficiency with floating yang leading to disorders in the channels of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys."

Mu Li is heavy and very calming - for excess yang, Type A personalities where the liver begins to attack the spleen. Specific indications for Mu Li:

1. Heavily Settles and Calms the Spirit

* palpitations
* anxiety
* restlessness
* insomnia

2. Benefits Yin / Anchors Yang

* irritability
* insomnia
* dizziness
* headache
* tinnitus
* blurry vision
* bad temper
* red, flushed face d/t yin deficiency / yang rising

3. Prevents Fluid Leakage (astringes)

* continuous sweating in patients with steaming bone disorder
* spontaneous sweats
* night sweats
* nocturnal emissions
* spermatorrhea / vaginal discharge
* uterine bleeding due to deficiency

4. Softens hardness / Dissipates Nodules (salty nature)

* lumps, including goiter and scrofula

5. Absorbs acidity / Alleviates Pain

* calcinated for Stomach pain with sour taste

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