he huan pi "the happy herb"
合欢皮 cortex albizziae julibrissinis
he = united / collective
huan = happiness
pi = bark
mimosa tree bark
Heart and Liver
Neutral and Sweet
6-15 grams
And, please, use with caution during pregnancy.
Oh, the mimosa tree is simply divine. And how wonderful that its bark nourishes the heart and calms the spirit. Except I wonder if you have to kill it in order to take its bark? Or can you just selectively trim its limbs?
Benksy quotes the Shennong Ben Cao Jing:
He Huan Pi "Quiets the five yin organs, focuses the mind, and makes people happy without care. Long-term consumption will lighten the body, brighten the eyes, and [allow people to] achieve their desires."
Whoa. That's some happy herb!
Specific functions:
1. Calm Spirit / Relieves Constraint
* bad temper
* depression
* insomnia
* irritability
* poor memory due to constrained emotions

2. Harmonizes the blood / Stops pain / reconnects sinews and bones (MILDLY)
* pain and swelling due to trauma, fractures

3. Dissipates Swelling / Reduces Abscesses-- internal & external
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