Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Extinguish Wind Stop Tremors: Tian Ma (heavenly hemp)

tian ma

天麻 rhizoma gastrodiae

"heavenly hemp"


NEUTRAL, sweet

3-9 grams

Dui Yao combination with Gou Teng (cool)

"Sweet, neutral and moist, with a nature that is slightly moistening and tonifying, Tian Ma enters the Liver channel to nourish the yin fluids, calm the Liver, and extinguish wind." ALL FORMS OF INTERNAL WIND.

Above: Tian Ma treats all forms of internal wind!

It also disperses painful obstructions.

1. Calms Liver / Extinguishes Wind / Controls Spasms and Tremors

* VERY IMPORTANT herb for treating internal stirring of Liver wind, caused by heat or cold.
- headache, dizziness, childhood convulsions, epilepsy, tonic-clonic spasms, opisthotonos, tetany, wind-stroke.

2. Extinguishes Wind / Alleviates Pain

* headaches, dizziness, migraines in wind-phlegm patterns
* wind-stroke with hemiplegia, dizziness, and numb limbs


3. Disperses Painful Obstruction

* pain and numbness of lower back and extremities

Tian Ma is the rhizome of Gastrodia, a kind of orchid.

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