Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Anchor, Settle, and Calm the Spirit: Ci Shi (magnetite)

Ci Shi (magnetite)


Ci = magnetic
Shi = rock
[super yang rising disturbing heart; nourish KD and LV -- hearing & vision; chronic asthma]

Ci Shi is the most magnetic of all naturally occurring minerals on earth! My refrigerator magnet sticks to it. Better keep it away from your cash card.

It is COLD
also, Ci Shi is acrid, and salty

Big dose 15-30 grams (would you stick to the refrigerator???)

Caution with weak spleen or stomach qi (can our bodies even digest a magnet?)

1. Ci Shi anchors and calms the spirit (especially for yin deficiency with ascendant yang: KD deficiency w/ ascending LV fire that disturbs the HT)

* restlessness
* palpitations
* insomnia
* tremors
* dizziness / vertigo
* childhood convulsions caused by shock

2. Ci Shi Nourishes Kidneys / Augments Liver / Improves Hearing and Vision

* impaired hearing / deafness
* tinnitus

* visual disturbances due to LV/KD deficiency

3. Ci Shi aids KD in grasping Qi

* chronic asthma

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