Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices: Niu Huang

niu huang

牛黄 calculus bovis

"cattle yellow"

bezoar (cattle gallstone)

There is a big market out there for the purchase of cattle gallstones. Ew.




Pretty tiny dosage: 0.2 - 0.5 grams

CI: Pregnancy
Not for deficient heat, or patients with SP/ST deficiency (for excess heat cases ONLY)

The cattle gallstones are ground into a powder and travel the liver channel to cool the liver; travel the heart channel to clear the heart,

meanwhile opening the orifices, dislodging phlegm, cooling the blood, and resolving toxicity. Kind of like a cow with a fan moving through your system and your blood, but instead of the fan creating wind, it is extinguishing wind.

The little cool cow will dislodge or remove anything toxic or phlegm balls that are gumming up the works.

Specific Functions:

1. Clears Heart / Opens Orifices / Awakens Spirit / Dislodges Phlegm
* delirium / coma d/t to warm-heat pathogen or hot diseases
* hot phlegm obstructing the PC
* wind-stroke, convulsions, seizures

2. Clears the Liver / Resolves Toxicity / Extinguishes Wind / Stops Tremors
* spasms, tremors, convulsions with high fever d/t heat entering liver

3. Drains Heat / Resolves Fire Toxicity
* red, painful, swollen, ulcerated throat
* sores, carbuncles, boils, hot swellings

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