Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit: Hu Po (Amber)

Hu Po (Amber)

琥魄 succinum

hu = jewel in the shape of a tiger; amber
po = dark side of the moon; vigor; body

sweet & neutral


small dose: 1.5 - 3 g "Do not decoct or calcine -- instead powder it and add to decoction just prior to consumption"

Hu Po is aptly named as it is said to calm both the Hun and the Po. This is where I get tripped up and studying ends up taking me way longer than the simple process of memorizing should. The Hun, the ethereal soul, is said to be housed in the Liver. It is the part of the soul that returns to heaven. There are three of them, exactly like the father, son, and holy ghost. Funny how that works. And Hu Po does indeed go to the blood level of the body, entering the Liver. Now the Po, or the corporeal soul (all seven of them) is said to be housed in the lungs. Hu Po does not go to the lungs, however, and I find this annoying.

Hu Po is for calming the "spirit" however, and by this I think they mean Shen, which is housed in the heart. Hu Po does indeed go to the heart.

But where does the bladder fit in?

So, I could spend lifetimes looking into the hun and po and shen, and meanwhile I am simply trying to understand Hu Po -- amber -- and how it functions in the body. It does lead me further questions, however, like how are the Shen, Hun, and Po all related? How do they interact? And would this give me some insight into Hu Po? Heart is child of Liver, and Lungs are the grandmother of the Liver and grandchild of the Heart. This is driving me nowhere but circles. And maybe that is the point of the whole thing. They are all related - our body - and its number of soul elements - is one system.

When there is a problem in the system, and in this case fright and blood stasis which can lead to palpitations, tremors and insomnia, Hu Po is one medicine that can help to bring the body back into balance.

Specific Indications are:

1. Arrest Tremors & Palpitations / Calm the Spirit

* palpitations & anxiety
* excessive dreams & insomnia
* forgetfulness (w/ anxiety)
* seizures (including childhood convulsions and seizures)

This is Amber: she has no anxiety, tremors, or palps, and got a good night sleep. She also has no more period pain, and can pee freely.

2. Invigorates the blood / Dissipates Stasis / Unblocks Menses

* amenorrhea or pain w/ fixed masses due to blood stasis
* coronary artery disease

3. Unblocks urinary retention & resolves painful urinary dribbling (w/ bleeding) (Promotes Urination)

4. Reduces Swelling / Promotes Healing

* TOPICALLY: sores, carbuncles, skin ulcerations
* scrotum and vulva pain and swellings

For all of the above functions, Hu Po is often combined with other herbs. It is compared with the herb Fu Ling because both herbs calm the spirit and promote urinary function. However, Hu Po goes deeper into the blood level and drains, while Fu Ling enters the qi level and tonifies. Therefore, Fu Ling is for Heart deficiency, while Hu Po is better for use when the Heart is troubled by rising yang or fire. Hu Po can also break through stagnation and obstruction, while Fu Ling will leach dampness.

Because Hu Po goes to the blood level and breaks up stagnation, it is not to be used in yin deficient patients with heat signs, even though it is neutral.

A calmer and a breaker - gets things moving / unstuck, pushes things out like an amber marble pushed through a straw.

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