Ban Zhi Lian is "Barbed Skullcap" (Ban means half, Zhi means branch -- I think this together that means "barbed" -- and lian here means to remove or transport, which is what this barbed branch does!) and has been used for centuries in Asia to treat tumors. This is one of the herbs being explored at Bionovo in Emeryville for cancer treatment. Here is a link to an article in Time magazine about Ban Zhi Lian:
Why is Ban Zhi Lian being used to treat cancer? It's properties are to clear heat, resolve toxicity, invigorate the blood, and to reduce swellings. It travels to the Lung, Stomach, and Liver, and in addition to being used for cancers, it is also used for chronic hepatitis.

Ban Zhi Lian will promote urination and reduce edema (clearing toxins and heat), and has a mild effect at dispelling blood stasis and stopping bleeding (urinary bleeding, or from trauma).
Because of the blood invigorating, dispelling blood stasis functions, it is cautioned for use in pregnancy. The recommended dosage is somewhat higher than most herbs at 9 to 30 grams. The herb is cool.

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