Bai Wei is another stowaway in this category. H.B. Kim (the book to study for the state board exam) categorizes it as a clear deficient heat herb. To me this herb looks like a rat's nest. And the way it looks does not give any hint to its function. Who would guess that this glob of sticks, twigs and leaves (it's actually a root!?) would promote urination? It looks instead like it would absorb urine, not promote it. Anyway, it helps with Urinary Tract Infections.

Because this is in the clear deficient heat category, you must know that it goes to the Kidney (as well as to the Lung and Stomach). It works at the ying or xue level, but also with yin deficient fever and postpartum fever. However, Bai Wei is NOT nourishing. It simply will clear deficient heat, especially the sort that comes following a severe fever caused by an epidemic heat toxic condition (like after chicken pox or scarlet fever) when the yin is badly damaged.
Besides cooling the blood and promoting urination, it also resolves toxicity and treats sores / reduces swelling (including snake bites, which you might get if you go poking through a rat's nest!). It is good for a painful throat as well.

If you were to shove this stuff in your mouth, it should taste bitter and salty.
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