What to remember about Xuan Shen? Well, the pronunciation of Xuan sounds kind of like "Swan" (thanks, Sam!) and swans have long necks, or uh, long THROATS! This herb, which looks like a drier version of Sheng Di (or kind of like beef jerky--it is also sweet and salty, kind of like beef jerky), is often combined with Sheng Di Huang, too. It also goes to the Kidney, but also to the Stomach and Lung. You have almost all your bases covered with those two blood clearing herbs.
Xuan Shen cools blood and clears heat at the xue level. This is intense heat that causes bleeding, fever, dry mouth, and a purple tongue. Because it goes to the Kidney, it also nourishes the yin, relieving constipation and irritability. It will soften hardness and dissipate nodules (because it is salty), and NECK LUMPS (the swan thing).

It is great for a yin deficient SORE THROAT. (But, if you can imagine swallowing this dry, hard thing, it looks like it would give you a sore throat.) It can be combined with Bo He and Niu Bang Zi for onset of strep. It can also treat a sore, dry throat resulting from rising of deficient fire.
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