Why oh why are some herbs so important and so hard to remember??? Mu Dan Pi looks to me like cheerios. But that's not helpful. Here are some other associations that ARE helpful. It looks like:
A tiny wooden candle holder (wood = liver, candle fire = fire raging / ascending LV yang)
A blood cell (kind of a stretch, I know, but it IS roundish and it does invigorate the blood so that it is good for fibroids, endometriosis)
A zit popper (you put it on top of your zit and the zit head pops through the middle -- it drains pus and reduces swelling, good topically for sores)
The empty hole means (in my desperate to remember this herb world) that it can clear fire from deficiency (the hole = deficient, the candle in the hole is fire rising from deficiency)

Because it helps with deficient fire, it makes sense that Mu Dan Pi goes to the Kidney. Because it helps with ascending LV yang, it makes sense it goes to the Liver. Because I love this herb and it is bitter, it makes sense it goes to the Heart.
Please use caution prescribing this herb to someone who is pregnant. They, too, might end up with a hole in the middle because of its blood invigorating properties.

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