Thursday, October 14, 2010

Warm Acrid Release Exterior: Xin Yi Hua and Cang Er Zi

Herbs for the stuffy nose!
Xin Yi Hua (magnolia flower bulb)
Cang Er Zi (Cockleburr fruit)

Xin Yi Hua and Cang Er Zi

Both for W-C with nasal congestion and easy to remember because both would fit nicely up the nostrils. This is also nasal congestion for any reason at all. If headache is included, add Bai Zhi, if you need more warmth, add Xi Xin. This combo can be used for Wind-Heat, too, so long as other herbs are added.

Cang Er Zi is somewhat special because it also stops bi pain by expelling Wind-Cold-Damp.

Cang Er Zi goes to the Lung and Liver, and is bitter as well as acrid.

Xin Yi Hua goes to the Lung and Stomach.

Both are slightly toxic, with possible side effects of n/v, dizziness at high doses (Cang Er Zi), and itching, nausea, and anxiety with a pregnancy caution and yin deficient fire caution (Xin Yi Hua).

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