Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Warm Acrid Herbs the Release Exterior: Ma Huang

Ma Huang (ephedra)

acrid, sl. bitter; goes to the Lung and UB

First, raw Ma Huang induces sweating to release exterior wind cold.

Second, it disseminates and facilitates lung qi to calm wheezing and stop cough. It can be used for other excess conditions, such as lung heat, or phlegm cold, as long as it is combined with other appropriate herbs. Ma Huang is not appropriate for Lung Qi deficiency, however.

Third, Ma Huang promotes urination and reduces edema in this way -- especially for wind evil edema in the face. It is not appropriate for edema caused by deficiency.

Ephedra is a powerful Central Nervous System stimulant -- it activates the sympathetic nervous system, constricting blood vessels, increasing blood pressure, expanding bronchial tubes, and increasing the heart rate. Ephedra was inappropriately used in diet pills, causing illness and some deaths, thereby being banned in supplements by the FDA in early 2004. Fortunately, Ma Huang is still obtainable as a Traditional Chinese Medicinal.

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