Monday, May 24, 2010

Two Formulas to release the exterior when interior excess is also present

1. Ge Geng Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang (4 herbs) - diarrhea w/ an exterior condition
2. Fang Feng Tong Sheng San (18 herbs) - very strong person with strong Wind Heat pathogen

Ge Geng Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang:

Fever, sweat, thirst
foul burning diarrhea
T; Red, yellow coat

C: Ge Gen - exterior / heat in muscle layer, ascends yang qi to stop diarrhea

D: Huang Qin & Huang Lian - heat in intestines, bitter to dry damp, cold to clear heat

AE: Zhi Gan Cao - moderates and harmonizes

2. Fang Feng Tong Sheng San

red eyes, pain
bitter mouth
dry nose
sore throat
difficulty swallowing
nasal congestion / runny
chest congestion - cough and phlegm
constipation (heat)
scanty urine, dark yellow

P: Rapid and Big / Wiry, slippery


Fang Feng
Ma Huang

to release w-c

Da Huang
Mang Xiao

to purge interior heat

Deputies (9):

Jing Jie & Bo He: release exterior

Zhi Zi & Hua Shi - clear heat through urination

Shi Gao - clear internal heat

Lian Qiao & Huang Qin: internal heat in intestines

Jie Geng - throat, lung

Chuan Xiong - Tonify

Assistants (3):

Dang Gui
Bai Shao
Bai Zhu

Tonify and move blood, tonifies SP Qi (Bai Zhu)

Envoys (2)

Gan Cao (tonify SP Qi)
Sheng Jiang - relieve exterior

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