1. Sang Ju Yin
2. Yin Qiao San
3. Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
4. Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
#1. Sang Ju Yin (8 herbs)
For superficial wind-heat, disperses wind, clears heat, disseminates Lung Qi, stops cough. More fever than chills.
Sore Throat
T: no change
P: floating, slightly rapid
Chief herbs:
Sang Ye
Ju Hua
These clear heat and benefit the head and eyes.
Bo He - releases wind heat from exterior
Lian Qiao - clears heat from qi level
Jie Geng - travels up to relieve rebellious lung qi, cough, breaks up Lung stagnation
Xing Ren - travels down to relieve cough
Lu Gen - sweet, cold, clears yangming heat, stops thirst, generates fluids
Sheng Gan Cao - clears heat, generates fluids, detox
#2. Yin Qiao San (honeysuckle / forsythia) - TEN herbs
Similar to Sang Ju Yin, but much stronger. Sang Ju Yin works to relieve exterior Wind-heat. It is acrid and cold and vents the evil from the superficial level. It clears heat and detoxicates. For use when the warm febrile disease is in the wei level.
Signs and symptoms:
FEVER, mild or no chill
Cough/ sore throat
T: Red tipped, twc or tyc
P: floating, rapid
Chief herbs (2):
Jin Yin Hua - sweet and cold, clears heat, detoxes, vents evil by fragrantly dispersing (NOT sweating/pore opening)
Lian Qiao - acrid, bitter, cold - clears heat, detoxes, relieves exterior by dispersing (stronger than jin yin hua), also NOT through sweating
For Upper Burner Heat.
Deputies (5):
Jing Jie Sui - acrid and sli. WARM, used to relieve the exterior through dispersing
Bo He - vents exterior Wind heat, benefits head, sore throat, headache
Jie Geng - goes to lung to benefit throat and stop cough
Niu Bang Zi - acrid bitter cold - disperses W-H, benefits throat, vents rashes
Assistants / Envoys (3):
Dan Zhu Ye - sweet (doesn't injure yin), bland (promotes urination), cold (clears heat, removes irritibility), it generates fluids
Lu Gen - sweet and cold, goes into to the LUng, STomach to clear heat and generate fluids
Sheng Gan Cao - clears heat, detox
Comparing Sang Ju Yin to Yin Qiao San:
They have five herbs in common (Lian Qiao, Bo He, Jie Geng, Lu Gen, Sheng Gan Cao). Sang Ju Yin stops cough more (Sang Ye, Xing Ren) and the W-H attack gives more cough but not so high a fever. Yin Qiao San is stronger at relieving exterior W-H, stronger at clearing a sore throat, and the addition of Dan Zhu Ye (plus Lu Gen) decreases irritibility more.
#3. Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang (Bupleurum and Kudzu to release muscle layer)
For a taiyang and yangming combination. Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang is used when W-Cold has lodged in the muscle layer awhile and becomes severe heat causing a high fever - Taiyang has become yangming. It is NOT shaoyang (no alternating between chills and fever).
Signs and Symptoms:
Fever increases while aversion to cold / chills decrease
NO sweat
orbital eye pain
very dry, hot nose
Increased irritability, can't sleep
P: Floating, slightly flooding
T: Red with yellow coat
HERBS (11):
Chief (2):
Chai Hu - cool, acrid: releases muscle layer, clears heat, reduces fever
Ge Gen - sweet, acrid, cool - Yangming (ST and SP), releases evil from muscle layer
Deputies (4):
Qiang Huo - acrid and warm, taiyang - releases W-C, eliminates pain
Bai Zhi - acrid and warm, yangming - releases W-C, eliminates pain
Huang Qin - clears heat in yangming, bitter
Shi Gao - clears heat in yangming, sweet, very cold
Assistants (4):
Jie Geng - for sore throat, disseminates Lung Qi
Bai Shao - balances out acrid herbs, tonifies blood, astringes yin
Sheng Jiang - harmonizes ying and wei
Da Zao - tonifies qi ying, blood in middle
Envoy (1):
Gan Cao
#4. Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang (4 herbs)
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang is for kids with measles. Evil is lodged in the muscle layer (wind-heat) and it vents rashes. For early stage measles / rashes.
Signs/ Symptoms:
FEVER, chills
sneezing, runny nose
sore throat
HERBS (4):
Sheng Ma - cool, acrid, release exterior - vents rashes from muscle to skin
Ge Gen: sweet, acrid, cool - very light and dispersing, opens interstices, causes sweating
Chi Shao - invigorates and cools blood heat
Zhi Gan Cao - helps to nourish qi, blood, yin, yang
CI: Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang is not to be used if the rash is fully expressed, or if it has turned inward.
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