rou cong rong
肉苁蓉 herba cistanchis deserticolae
rou = flesh / meat
cong = medicinal herb
rong = hibiscus
SIDE TRACKED THOUGHTS ABOUT DIMINISHED SEXUAL FUNCTION: This is the fleshy stem of the broomrape - whatever that is (and it doesn't sound good). I found this herb on the Internet as a component in a formula called "Passion Rx." And I just realized something about myself - formulas or "medicines" like Viagra really bother me because they are not about healthy living, they seem to be about our culture's eternal fixation with youth, adolescence, and being resistant to change. People aren't going after improved health when they take Viagra. They just want to keep on having sex like a young whipper snapper. Not that anything is innately wrong with that...But sexual function is indeed linked with health. And by ignoring that truth, and simply going for a quick fix, isn't going to lead to greater wellbeing in the long run. Maybe some people aren't concerned with greater wellbeing and I am placing my values on them. Any way, I AM concerned about their well being, because I think it makes a healthier society and culture overall to have physically healthy mature adults who aren't having a break down because they are unable to have sex anymore. Of course, this will happen sometimes...but it seems to be an epidemic, which is scary.
The way Chinese herbs work with sexual function is ultimately a byproduct of improved health. There is a deficiency (in this case yang) and Chinese herbs will address that deficiency, thereby improving health in many aspects. So, improved sexual function ends up being a "side effect" of overall improved health. And that, to me, seems like a more balanced way to go about things. I'm guessing these herbs won't lead to a twenty-four hour erection.
Back to Rou Cong Rong...
Kidney and Large Intestine
Rou Cong Rong is said to be moist and oily, so while it is tonifying the Kidney yang, it is also working to augment the essence and blood. It treats classic Kidney yang deficient signs and symptoms:
urinary incontinence
post urinary dripping
cold pains in the lower back and knees
infertility due to cold of the womb (WARMS THE WOMB)
excessive uterine bleeding / vaginal discharge due to deficiency
CONSTIPATION: In addition to the yang, essence, and blood augmentation, its oily nature works in the intestines, helping to move stool that is being retained due to dry intestines / insufficient body fluids found commonly in elderly people, or in those with deficient qi and blood. With a large dosage, Rou Cong Rong can be used solo for constipation due to deficient body fluids.
Rou Cong Rong is on the CITES list being in high demand because of its ability to improve sexual function. It seems that we collectively are burning out our yang so much and then looking for a quick fix like Viagra, or requiring yang tonics, such as Rou Cong Rong, which are now quickly disappearing from the wild due to over consumption. It signals the importance of trying to maintain balance in life, to preserve our vital energy so that we can maintain health into old age (including sexual health) and not overly tax our planet of its vital healing plants.
An interesting sidenote, the broomrape family of plants are parasitic and don't produce their own chlorophyll; they wiggle themselves underground, and attach to nearby plants that DO produce chlorophyll. Hence, I imagine, the word "rape" in the name.
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