lu rong 鹿茸 (cornu parvum cervi) - deer antler
lu = deer
rong = soft downy buds
Liver Kidney
sweet (blood)
salty (bone)
The reason lu rong is such a potent yang tonic is because the antlers that are used are growing from the most yang part of the body, and are filled with blood.
The soft hairs on a deer antler are one of the most, if not THE most, sensitive part of the animal. Used like whiskers, the little hairs let the deer know if something is touching / endangering the new antler growth. Therefore, the budding antlers are sensitive by design. It is said that cutting off the antlers during this budding stage would be akin to cutting off your finger. Some websites say, don't worry about using deer antler! The animal is not killed in the process. However, if the surgery is performed without anesthetic, this is a very cruel process. There is a point when the velvet dries up and "dies" and at this point the deer will rub the velvet off -- it is no longer sensitive to the touch. Fortunately, there are some people who actually do seem to care about the pain the deer undergo during antler removal and studies have been done helping to reveal the most effective anaesthetic. Still, these anaesthetics are hard on the bodies of the deer, and probably? seep into the antler velvet as well, which means if you take this Lu Rong, you will also possibly be ingesting ketamine, or some other powerful drug (this is my guess).
Deer antler velvet is in very high demand and very expensive. If there is one thing humans will pay a lot of money for, it is sex. Lu Rong tonifies the Kidneys and fortifies the yang -- used for impotence, infertility, fatigue, and coldness, primarily.
Warming the yang, Lu Rong regulates the vessels associated with reproduction: the Chong and the Ren and the Girdle Vessel. Because qi is part of yang, Lu Rong is also tonifying the qi and the Du channel. Filled with blood, Lu Rong augments the essence and blood, and it is no surprise it also strengthens the sinews and bones.
Powerful indeed. A summary of its functions:
tonifies kidneys
fortifies and warms yang
augments essence
augments and nourishes blood
tonifies and nourishes qi
regulates penetrating and conception vessels
stabilizes the girdle vessel
tonifies governing vessel
strengthens sinews
strengthens bones
chronic boils and ulcers
vaginal discharge and bleeding
Because Lu Rong is very warm, it is contraindicated in heat pathologies: yin def. heat, blood heat, lung phlegm-heat, stomach fire, exterior heat pathogen
And no matter how powerful it may be, I think the name says it all: Lu (W)rong! There are other, less hurtful, ways to tonify the yang and assist reproduction.
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