Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tonify Yang: Gu Sui Bu


........ GU SUI BU......for sudden hair loss, fractured bones, loose teeth! All fixed up, you'll be ready to put on your Blue swede shoes, which rhymes with Gu Sui Bu (sorta) and you can go out and dance (and your blood will be even more invigorated!) the new dance called the Gu Sui Bu with your lovely hair flowing, fixed fractured leg a jiggin', and your teeth won't fall out on the dance floor (smile!). Go GU SUI BU....!

gu sui bu

骨碎补 radix dryariae

gu = bone, sui = busted, bu = patch

A bandage for your bones! It kind of looks like a band-aid, too.

LIVER, and Kidneys

Warm and Bitter

9-21 grams

"Primarily used for repairing shattered bones" assisted by ability to invigorate the blood. It can also be thought of as a band-aid for the teeth because it directs floating yang down. Because of its actions in the blood, Gu Sui Bu should not be used in cases of blood deficiency, blood fire, or if there is no blood stasis.

1. Tonifies Kidneys / Strengthens Bones:

* weak low back & knees
* diarrhea
* tinnitus
* loose, painful teeth
* bleeding gums d/t KD deficiency

2. Promotes mending of Sinews & Bones

* traumatic injuries involving fractures or torn ligaments

3. Stimulates hair growth (alopecia)

After Gu Sui Bu:

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