So here goes.

Ju Hong: Much the same as Chen Pi, Ju Hong goes to the lung and stomach (but not the spleen, like Chen Pi), and is bitter, acrid, and warm (like Chen Pi) but not said to be aromatic (though in place I read it is MORE aromatic). It is more drying than Chen Pi, and less harmonizing - meaning it is less effective at harmonizing the middle burner and regulating the spleen and stomach. Ju Hong is primarily used for vomiting, belching, and treating phlegm damp coughs.
Ju Hong means "Tangerine Red" - a descriptor for the outer most part, the "reddest" part of the tangerine peel. In my samples though, Ju Hong has way more of the white stuff attached to it, and the Chen Pi sample looks like the one that is just the outer most red part. Maybe they're mixed up, or maybe it's just me!
Ju Ye: "Tangerine Leaf" Without a clear entry in Bensky, I'm not sure, but I think Ju Ye goes only to the liver. It is bitter, acrid, and neutral. Ju Ye is said to "dredge the liver to promote qi movement" resulting in a reduction in swellings (specifically, masses/tumors of the breast), turbidity, and stagnation.

Ju He: "Tangerine Pit" Also neutral, Ju He goes to (I think) the Kidney channel and maybe to the UB and Liver. These are the seeds of the tangerine and must be crushed to be ingested, or applied topically. Ju He dissipates clumps / nodules (it looks like a little clump/nodule); and for testicular or breast swelling (hernia, mastitis). Ju He activates qi circulation, specifically liver qi stagnation with a phlegm obstruction.
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